Inflammation breast, although not as dangerous as compared to breast cancer, this thing is small but worth noting. Especially if your husband smokers or does not care about oral health.
Although less popular with breast cancer, breast mastitis must also be recognized for prevention efforts because if it is acute, can result in removal of the breast. The term breast mastitis means inflammation of the breast. Symptoms vary including a lump in the breast. Many things that cause this inflammation including the presence of germs.
When depicted, the breast is like a tree with trunk, branches, and twigs. Just imagine how complex binding network, channel, and its constituent glands. Therefore, either male or female body parts required to keep this one well to avoid the possibility of the occurrence of mastitis.
Not only breasts as your the owner must maintain the cleanliness, your spouse also must maintain a healthy mouth, if he used to suck the nipples during sex.